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                                        Reality is a fairytale (Myths and fairytales)


     Story behind this seria of paintings is about  fairytales but with their first version roots witch have more violent content inside of it. As a child we have our perception of reality through stories, movies and we idealise it. People find symbols everywhere, as well as various global events and truths. We only choose whether we see them or not. Creating and transmitting these stories can be associated with reality or fiction. We're looking for stories with which we can identify. All cultures over time developed their own mythology that make up the legends and stories of their history, their religion and heroes. Myths and fairy tales tell us a deeper truth about the things that we go beyond that are eternal. Used pictures, symbols, fictional characters and events to help us open look beyond the visible and tangible reality, to our mind, taking into account all the known patterns could expand their horizon beyond them. They pulled to the surface unconscious, the true contents. Myths are processes of belief. In them it is believed no concrete knowledge on how to be believed. Myths are therefore generally characterized by a universal or archetypal contents beliefs. In this sense, myths are like energy fields, it greatly bring energy to all people, because the myths are dreams of all dreams. But I've included both because they have the same link as the difference. Jung talked about how using symbols man soothe discomfort. In fairy tales is almost all symbolic because they, by events and visualization, not talking about actual, real events, but on our inner states and internal conflicts. Background of fairy tale is optimistic core while myths constitutes surreal glorification of the hero, which can not be equated mere mortal .Myths are unattainable. Fairy Tale clearly shows that everyone talks about, about people very similar to us, while myth has its specific historical hero. Unlike in myths, fairy tales victory is not victory over others, but only of himself. Both serve the purpose to teach morality and socially acceptable behavior witch nowadays becomes increasingly questionable category.

After all, you can find me in the garden, 192x220cm (4 platna dimenzija 96x110cm), ulje i
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Inner world 5, 40x40cm, ulje i epoksi na platnu. 2022..jpg
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