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Commercialization of fear

The basic idea is questioning the matter and its durability or the symbiosis of natural and artificial. .The idea stemmed from the coverage.  We are wrapping gifts but at same time and trash. Plastic   packaging   and   wrapping but still showing what is below.  Nylon  as  non-degradable materials under which the body takes on abstract forms and looks like a dead but still in a morbid way attractive. Are our fears only our original? Or are socially produced? What shapes our fears? I just have some questions that I want to give visual response at the same time confronting fears. That's why I chose to work with epoxy resin because it provides the artificial plastic effect (as if under glass). A metaphor for learned certain emotional response, and the meanings and interpretation of reality, internalizing social patterns in our system. Family, education, media, advertising, formed our personality, cognitive and emotional qualities. Physical and emotional reactions must pass through the filter of interpretation to be operating, and in the extent to which the response (fear) become active depends on the strength with which we are supported by social patterns. The market system is complemented man's lack of fear, and offers a variety of items: preparations for rejuvenation - for fear of aging; medications - for anxiety; entertainment, nightlife, and social networks on the Internet - for fear of being alone; makeup, cars, clothes - for fear of rejection, etc., resulting in the development of additional fears.

After all, you can find me in the garden, 192x220cm (4 platna dimenzija 96x110cm), ulje i
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Inner world 5, 40x40cm, ulje i epoksi na platnu. 2022..jpg
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